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BIH/RFQ-001-21 AMENDED, EXTENDED Supply, delivery and installation of solar hot water preparation system and heating support in, CFP No. Call for Proposal: GEF Small Grants Programme provides grants to NGOs and CBOs in the areas of climate change, conservation of biodiversity, forest management, international water, chemicals and waste and land degradation. MoAg, UN, UNDP ON BEHALF OF OHCHR LIBERIA - LIBERIA, UNDP-KINSHASA, DR CONGO - CONGO, DEM. La notion de réseau est également essentielle dans la gestion urbaine, notamment l'acheminement de l'eau potable et l'évacuation des eaux usées. Les acteurs fédérateurs tels qu'autorités de régulation, fédérations professionnelles, bureaux d’études et acteurs de la recherche sont invités à se mobiliser, en développant la culture de gestion de crise, avec des exercices, des simulations des PCS[Quoi ?] Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Content and Advocacy development of the online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal, Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Transactional Advisor for an online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal, LBN-CO-ITB-37-21 - Hermel Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000008516, Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Digital Development of the online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal, RFQ/2021/07 Fourniture, installation et mise en service de stations de type GPRS pour l'acquisition et la transmission de données en temps réel, Developing Renewable Energy Atlas for Cambodia, RFQ-072-21-Rehabilitation of Al- Baaj Agriculture, Provision of Individual Service for Nursing Support Coordinator LBN/CO/IC/40/21, ITB-073-21-Rehabilitation of Baiji Asphalt Factory, RFP 03/21 TECHNICAL CONTROL/AUDIT FOR DETAILED DESIGN, RFQ/010/21 Supply and delivery of equipment, tools and material for the Training Center at the Employment Service of the Una-Sana Canton, Feasibility study for Macademia and Cashew Nuts Value Chains Development for Taita Taveta County, A market assessment for the trading of perishable goods and Development and implementation of an e-Commerce Marketplace Platform for the agricultural sector under the JSB COVID PREP project, International Consultant - Information Management Consultant, Services of National Consultant on Social and Environmental Safeguards, Продажа автомобиля ПРООН ФОЛЬКСВАГЕН КАРАВЕЛЛА посредством аукциона с подачей предложений в запечатанных конвертах, Sustainable Employment Opportunities for women and, Cancelled 2021-PN-011-International Specialist for UNDP-GEF Project Development (Team Leader), Multimedia services and products for UNOSSC South-South Cooperation in promoting mutual learning and collaboration for sustainable development - Webinar Series (ten webinars), International GEF Project Development Consultant / PPG Team Leader, IC/UNDP/GOLD-ISMIA/029 - Consultant for Developing the Good Mining Practices Guidelines for Primary Ore Small-Scale Mining Sector, MNG/IC/2021/024 - National Consultant - Public Finance Expert (Ministry of Finance), ADQUISICION DE MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION, RFQ 2021-06 : Sélection d’un centre de formation en vue d’assurer une session de formation en faveur de l’ISIE, Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies and Equipment (RFQ-018-PHL-2021), RFQ 015/21 Renovation of toilets and kitchens in UN building. Bienvenue sur la fanpage de Jacquie et Michel ! RFP - Media and Information Literacy No: CM-FU-TAS-2021-000421, ITB-21-03 Civil Works of rehab in Umracoba Camps, Medium-Voltage Line to Feed the Drinking Water Res, RFP202103 Undertake the Mitigation Analysis, RFQ/UNDP/NAM/2021/009/- HACT FINANCIAL AUDITING SERVICES, 075/IC/PADRC/2021-Recrutement de huit (08) consultants nationaux pour appuyer la localisation des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) -Priorisation des cibles et identification des paquets d’intervention pour 4 régions, RFQ 014 IND 2021 Battery Storage System Jharkhand, 627_2020-UNDP-UKR-RFQ-RPP: Computer equipment for the schools of Donetsk and Luhansk oblast (re-advertising), ACDP Research Conference Event Planning and Management, Local Governance, Participatory Planning and Social Accountability Expert, Public Expenditures Management (PEM) Expert, National Consultant for Needs Assessment on Medical Waste Management at Healthcare-based Facilities, ETH2237 - National Firm Level Consultancy, RFP-BD-2021-005-Training Leather Industries-SWAPNO, Consultancy for the Geographical Information System (GIS) Expert, recrute un.e consultant.e national.e pour la mise à jour du Plan pour une réponse socio-économique à la COVID-19 en Tunisie, PROCESO COL 0000127226 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultor Secretaría Técnica Ocad Paz, Consultancy to Update Belize’s National Climate Change Policy, Strategy and Action Plan, Consultancy to develop a Docu-Series on Climate Change in Belize, IAL 00087688 005 2021: Contratación de Servicios de Seguridad y Vigilancia para Hondutel, 9 Meses, Año 2021, 96682 - Digital Consultant - Kathmandu, NEPAL, Deux (02) Consultants nationaux en entreprenariat agricole : développement de projets générateurs de revenus dans la transformation, le stockage et la commercialisation de produits agricoles - Conakry, GUINEA, LBN-CO-ITB-31-21Const of Haris Multipurpose Hall, Supply of Furniture to Ninewa Governorate in Two LOTS, RFP 02/21 THE DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF PCB WAREHOUSE, UNDP-IC-2021-008 - Senior Consultant on Terrorism Financing, LBN-CO-RFQ-30-21 - Energy Audit Services - Event ID 0000008433. En l’absence d’une sortie pour caisson de graves sur votre récepteur, vous pouvez raccorder les sorties préamplifiées des voies de gauche et de droite de votre récepteur (si disponibles) aux entrées Left/LFE Recruitment of International Consultant to Support development of baseline and mainstreaming of financial inclusion for the development of Ghana’s GEF GOLD+ project proposal. PROCESO COL 0000128084 Suministrar elementos para proyecto panelero en Tallambi – Municipio de Cumbal – Nariño. Support women members of Ruwwad Al Aghawar Al Shmaliyeh Cooperative in identifying opportunities for business growth, establish effective networks to compete and have market value, generate income and be economically empowered. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le degré de vulnérabilité de ces réseaux, face aux catastrophes naturelles et/ou technologiques notamment ou à d'autres risques (pandémie, malveillance, etc.) Consultant of the Gender Equality in STEM platform in Europe and Central Asia. RFQ-041-21 Rehabilitation of Tolol Al Baj Secondary School and Al Jufar Alhar Primary Mixed School for Boys in Shergat-Salah Al Din Governorate. Voilà plus de douze ans que nous vivions ensemble Aude et moi, à présent elle avait la quarantaine éblouissante au dire de tous ceux que nous côtoyons, il suffisait de suivre le regard des passants qu’elle croisait pour s’en assurer. Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Expert. 16-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Creation of an web portal of the Luhansk Oblast State Administration with the possibility of implementing an integrated platform of Internet portals of local executive bodies and local governments of the Luhansk oblast. COL 00000127224 Formulacion de proyec, CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL:Evaluation national team expert for the terminal evaluation (TE) project Strengthening Capacities of Rural Aqueduct Associations' (ASADAS) to address climate change risks in water stressed communities of Northern Costa Rica (PIMS 5140), SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-001 NAP COSTA RICA MATINA POCOCÍ, **Deadline Extended**RFQ-017-2021 - Improvement Works at Gypsou/Akova Cemetery in Famagusta, UNDP-RFQ-2021-009 - AFFICHAGE 128 PANNEAUX 12 M2 - PACE, Framework Based Individual Consultancy Services for Support to the Municipal Response to Covid-19 and Potential Crisis Situations, Services of National Expert for PPG coordination and stakeholder engagement, CHL/SDP/016/2021 Consultaría de “Bases para el diseño de un sistema de reconocimiento para la mejora de disponibilidad, acceso, conservación y saneamiento del agua en Chile, 01 International Consultant for Formulation of 2021-2025 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) in Viet Nam (A-210201), Extended deadline - RFQ 01-2021 for Design of a Digital Platform [Technical Specification], LBN-CO-RFQ-35-21Equip Waterwell Maghdoushe, LBN-CO-RFQ-32-21Prov.-Instal Visibility Item-LTA, 03 consultants for Case Study on Systemic Investing in Circular Economy in Viet Nam (Ref. 18037-2020: Consultoría para el fortalecimiento y soporte técnico de la plataforma INDICA IGUALDAD 2.0. COL 00000127227 Formulacion de estrat, 112/IC/PNUD/2021-Recrutement d’un(e) Consultant(e) National(e) Spécialiste en développement d’entreprenariat innovant et de partenariat multi-acteurs, Procurement of Twin Screw High Speed Pilot Boat, CHL/SDC/020/2021 “Notebooks y audífonos con micrófono para telefonistas", CHL/IC/011/2021 Especialista en Derechos Humanos para el Proyecto CERALC en Ecuador (Apoyo HRA), Recrutement d’un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) pour réaliser une analyse d’écarts ‘’Gap analysis’’ entre la Convention de l’Union Africaine de Prévention et de Lutte Contre la Corruption et le cadre légal national, Organizational Transformation Communications Consultant, OHR/UNDP - HOME BASED, CONSULTORÍA INDIVIDUAL IC/00110454/015/2021 MANTENIMIENTO PÁGINA WEB DEL OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL DE GÉNERO, MNG/IC/2021/023 - National Consultant - Development of a follow-up strategy and action plan for further strengthening of the local self-governing bodies in Mongolia, MNG/IC/2021/022 - National Consultant - Communications Specialist, SDP-006-2021Servicios de consultoría de materiales de comunicación para proyecto de impulso a la participación política de las mujeres, RECRUTEMENT DE QUATRE CABINETS NATIONAUX POUR REALISER L’ETUDE SUR L’IDENTIFICATION, L’ANALYSE DE LA DEMANDE ET LA FORMALISATION DES MARCHES INSTITUTIONNELS DE DIFFERENTES FILIERES, PCI-010-2021 Servicios de consultoría para el diseño conceptual y de contenidos de un ciclo de cinco videos de capacitación dirigido a OSC para impulsar la participación política de las mujeres, en temas de sororidad, nuevas masculinidades, construcción d, Turnkey Supply and Installation of Wind Turbines, PCI-009-2021 Servicios de experto en sustancias químicas, contaminantes orgánicos persistentes y residuos peligrosos para apoyar la gestión de actividades en el área técnica, RELANCE - Agences /sociétés / entreprises nationales de communication pour la production et l’impression des supports de communication tels que la boîte à images, les affiches et dépliants et la traduction en langues nationales du Guide du détenu, IC-PAP2921/2021 - International Consultancy: Consultant to design an assessment tool and QA framework for implementing organizations’ safeguard policies and procedures, Procurement Notice (IC-PAP-2920-2021) International Consultancy - Lead consultant (organizations’ safeguard policies and procedures), CHL/IC/010/2021 Especialista en Derechos Humanos para el Proyecto CERALC en Ecuador, RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service - LOT 2 For Indonesia, RFP-UNDP-ATSEA-125154-005-2020 - Facilitation Working Group (Pokja) on the Establishment of Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Kolepom Island, Merauke District, RFQ/012-21 Supply and Delivery of RNA Extraction kits for laboratories at Canton Sarajevo, PROVISION OF SERVICES ON RADIO AIRING AND MEDIA ENGAGEMENT FOR UNDP NIGERIA – THE PEACE PROJECT, UNDP-IC-2021-013- Delivery Support Consultant for Watchlist Screening Solution for SECP, PROVISION OF SERVICES ON FILM, PHOTOGRAPHY AND DRONE DOCUMENTARY FOR UNDP NIGERIA – (THE PEACE PROJECT) AND THE PROVISION OF COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES: GRAPHIC DESIGN, WEB DESIGN AND VIDEOS FOR NIGERIA BLUEPRINT PROJECT. Informations. peut être atténué par la prospective et une culture de gestion du risque et de crise. SDP NRO. Recrutement d’un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) « Pour la composante Politique Urbaine Nationale de la Guinée du Projet SANITA » pour le compte de l’ONUHABITAT. Senior Consultant for High Level Committee (HLC) for South-South Cooperation, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Training Delivery, UNDP-ITB-2021-031-Engagement of an Organisation to Provide Event Management Services in Karachi, Sindh, 001-ITB-LTA-2021 - Service de Gardiennage, Call for Expression of Interest for Consultants & Mentors on “Support to the Piloting Phase of SDG Impact Accelerator Phase II”, Recrutement d'une Société pour la fourniture et la pose des ouvertures blindées pour le safe haven au PNUD Bangui (RCA), RFQ: Provision and installation of vacuum solar water heaters, LBN-CO-RFQ-46-21Supp Deliv Inst of Chop and Shred, UNFPA/RFQ/KBL/21/01, Purchase Camera and Camera accessories, Ref. Options for Social Insurance Schemes for the Infor, Unexploded Ordnance Training Courses for MOI, Mapping and Programmatic Integration between UNDP, SDC/00118949/011/2021 ” ADQUISICIÓN DE MATERIALES E INSUMOS PARA EL EMBALAJE, PROYECTO IDENTIFÍCATE/RNP, JOF 2594-2021 - Monitoring of Brazilian E-commerce Platforms, RFQ/LBY/SLCRR/2021/8438-Construction and Installation Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Bier Al-Ghanam, Southern Al Zawiya City, Libya, IC/UNDP/PETRA/022/2021 - Re-Advertisement Drafter for the Construction of Two Markets in Central Sulawesi, IC 21-12 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT SERF RCO, ITB/LBY/SLCRR/2021/8422 - Construction and Installation of WTP Shalgouda,Southern Al Zawiya Municipality, Libya, Effectiveness of fees for permits and licenses. 909.3k Followers, 278 Following, 6,791 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from OKLM (@oklm) RFQ-004-21 Supervision over the execution of the civil and mechanical works at the different locations in Sarajevo Canton. SUPPLY OF BOSCH MIFARE PROGRAMMABLE CARDS AND NON PRORAMMABLE PVC CARDS FOR UNDSS, RFP/007/21 Acquiring and Strenghtening Soft Skills - WiE, RFP Capacity building on establishment of Measurem, Individual Consultancy - National Agricultural Expert - LBN/CO/IC/47/21, RFQ/021/21 Procurement and delivery of mount bikes and biking equipment, CFP-PVE-2021-02 Prevention of Violent Extremism with particular attention to Youth, RFQ Online Specialized trainings on cyber security, RFP 2021 03 Online Data Collection and Analysis, IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/040/2021 - Social Innovation Platform and Covid-19 Recovery Facilitator for West Java Province, SERVICING OF SMOKE DETECTORS AND FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, RFP03/2021: Recrutement d’une firme ou un groupe de firmes (consortium) pour la conduite d’une étude sur la population des NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training ou ni éduqué.e.s, ni scolarisé.e.s, employé.e.s ou en formation) dans trois gouvernor. SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA PNUD-ECU-SdP-ADQ-21-124430 “Consultoría para elaborar un modelo nacional de Gobernanza para REDD+ en Ecuador”. Supply of Server Racks and UPS for the Datacenter. PROCESO COL 0000126998 Consultoria para el diseño y ejecución de la sistematización del programa de comunidades sostenibles para la paz, Consultoría para la elaboración del marco legal para la gestión de residuos peligrosos, SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL-0000124801, PROCESO COL 0000127225 Formulación de estrategias para el fortalecimiento empresarial de 80 negocios verdes, RFP-LBY-SFL-2021-8461 - Provision of Analytic Support to Conflict Analysis & Response in Libya, Proyecto PNUD ARG 16/006 - Licitación Pública Internacional N.º 01/2021 - “Adquisición de Tensiómetros y Agujas”, AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1233, SDC-08-2021 Const. Consultor/a Nacional para la Evaluación de Medio Término y Actualización del Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático de la República del Paraguay”, Especialista técnico de apoyo a la DNCC del MADES, en el proceso de construcción participativa de la NAMA del sector ganadero, Asesoría técnica en el proceso de identificación de las actividades de adaptación de la NAMA de ganadería, Asesoría técnica en el proceso de identificación de las actividades de mitigación de la NAMA de ganadería, Організація онлайн ІТ навчальних тренінгових курсів, PCI-013-2021 Servicios de consultoría estratégica para el desarrollo del Tercer Informe Bienal de Actualización ante la CMNUCC (3BUR), Gender and Stakeholder Engagement Specialist (National), National Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS) Specialist, RFQ/020/21 Procurement and delivery of mount bikes and biking equipment, RFQ: Research Institutes to support the evaluation of UNDP's performance in social protection and governance (Ecuador-based institutions only), RFQ/UNDP/BFMU/MAINTENANCE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM/2021/002, Individual Contractor – UN House Disability Accessibility Audit, OHCHR: NATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR OF DRAFTING PREVENTION OF SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE (PSEA) POLICY, A2J trainings (conferences) in Northern Bahr El Gazhal Feb-June 2021, ITB 001 PNUD TOGO 2021 TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION, Recrutement d’un (e) Consultant(e) National(e) pour l’évaluation finale du projet « Lutte contre l'Impunité des violences sexuelles et autres formes de violences basées sur le genre, appui à l’autonomisation des survivantes en République Centrafricaine, RFP-2020-081_Разработкa проекта нац.
Offre D'emploi Tourisme Hammamet, Master Tide Salaire, Le Portrait De Dorian Gray Analyse, Lycée Hoche Inscription 2020 2021, Temps Partiel Education Nationale 2021-2022, Bioalliance Chartres Test Covid, Incapacité à Se Lever Le Matin, Prix Restauration Porsche 911, Alphabet Minuscule Script, Synonyme émotion Forte, Johan Papaconstantino - Les Mots Bleus Lyrics, Offre D'emploi Au Qatar Pour Algeriens 2020, Imparfait Libre Et Heureux Gratuit,